Communist haters!

Here is a question for you. Communist Party secretary Anil Biswas called “X” as people who were opposed to development. Who can “X” be ?
If yor brain has gone into an infinite loop wondering who can be more against development than the Communists, then here is clue. The same “X” beat up some Communists recently.
And the answer is:

In another daring strike in the Naxalite hotbed of West Midnapore, CPM leaders were thrashed, forest bungalows blasted and vehicles used for building roads set on fire last night.

One thought on “Communist haters!

  1. Well, some of the most brutal clashes in history have been (continue to be: look at Pakistan) between sects or cults of the same faith. (And Marxism _is_ a belief system.) Internecine warfare can be as deadly as any sectarian fight.

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