Grocery Strike Ends

Do workers strike in capitalist countries ? How do they end ? Do workers get what they want or do evil corporations get to run over them ?
For the past 4.5 months about 70,000 employees of grocery stores like Safeway, Albertsons and Kroger have been on strike, standing outside the stores with sign boards and requesting shoppers to shop elsewhere.
bq. Under the terms of the three-year agreement, current union members will not have to make any contributions toward their health care plan premiums in the first two years and will only need to pay between $5 to $15 in the third year if health care contributions in reserves are not sufficient to cover the costs.
bq. But the contract creates a second, lower tier of supermarket employees who will receive less pay and inferior benefits. New supermarket hires will have to pay about $9 a week for a basic health care plan and will make less than the average wages of $12 to $14. [via “Forbes”:]
But now it seems like the offer that the employees are accepting is the “same one they rejected”: when the strike started.