Buddhist troves

The cash strapped Archeological Survey of India is still doing excavations, this time in Chattisgarh state. The items discovered include
* a Buddha statue dating back to the 6th century
* various scriptures
* monasteries and nunneries
* a six foot statue of a lady with a missing hand and Greek like features
* the only depiction of bison fights
* a unique hollowed out cylinder with ?jali? work carved out of a single stone
“Antique trove unearthed at Sirpur”:http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/cms.dll/html/uncomp/articleshow?msid=46997117
bq. The discoveries have been mentioned in the writings of Huen Tsang, who had visited Sirpur in the 7th century. The writings also reveal that there is a Bodh Stupa made by King Ashoka, 100 Bodh Vihars and 150 temples in Sirpur. These when excavated could reveal a city that could be four times biggert han Nalanda.
Huen Tsang, is a person we all have learned in our history books. He was the person running the Lonely Planet channel in the 7th century AD.
(Source “Indian Archeology Mailing List”:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/IndiaArchaeology/ on Yahoo)